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Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
What’s in store for investors in 2021?
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
For many, 2020 will be a year they would rather forget. Whether the pandemic affected their health, their families or their finances, its effects will be evident for some time to come. Investors across the globe also suffered a rollercoaster ride in 2020, with markets experiencing some wild swings over the course of the year. And while some people managed to save money during the Covid-19 outbreak, others faced job losses or lower incomes. Now, with a vaccine set to return life to some semblance of normality, the question we all want to ask is: what’s in store for investors in 2021? So, is this the year of recovery? Will Joe Biden deliver a boost to the US economy? Will Britain falter when the Brexit transition period ends on December 31?
Host Alice Haine is joined by industry veteran Moukarram Atassi, head of investment management at the National Bank of Fujairah, who offers his take on what is store for investors in 2021.
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