Felicity Glover has all the answers to your personal finance questions. Learn about saving, investing, managing debt and much more. Join us on Pocketful of Dirhams by The National coming straight from our news room in Abu Dhabi. Make sure to subscribe and follow us on your favourite podcast app so you can stay up to date on our latest episodes.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Top tips to boost your finances in 2023
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
It’s been a tough year on our personal finances — from record-high global inflation to rising interest rates and an increase in borrowing costs for consumers.
There are also strong warning signs that a global recession is looming.
But, as we head into 2023, now is a good time to review your finances and plan ahead.
This is to ensure you begin the New Year on a positive financial footing — such as setting goals to pay off or lower your debts, sticking to a budget and saving for the future.
“It's a good time to reflect and review your finances, and then decide what you need to reduce or change,” says Alison Soltani, founder of savings website Leap Savvy Savers.
Host Felicity Glover is joined by Ms Soltani, who shares her tips on how to boost your finances in 2023.
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