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Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
The best travel deals for summer 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
It’s been more than a year since our 2020 travel plans were disrupted because of the Covid-19 pandemic – and many of us are keen to get back in the air, visit family or take a well-deserved holiday. With vaccination programmes now in place in many countries around the world and travel corridors opening up, it's time to start planning our summer vacations.
There are a number of financial factors to consider before taking the leap, including the cost of flights, health insurance and whether or not airlines will continue offering flexible tickets in case our travel plans have to be cancelled at the last minute. The good news is that there are quite a few flight deals being offered by the likes of Emirates, Etihad and low-cost airline flydubai – but it's best to get in early to take advantage of the lower prices.
Host Felicity Glover is joined by Hayley Skirka, The National’s travel correspondent, who shares her recommendations for the best travel deals this summer.