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Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
How to ask for a salary rise in 2024
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
What is the one thing you dread most about your job? For many, that could be asking for a salary rise – even if you deserve it.
Experts say there is a right and a wrong way to ask your boss for a wage increase and you should start by being prepared before sitting down with your manager for the “salary talk”.
This could include compiling your successes over the past year to boost your case. You should also consider your goals and what benefits matter most to you, such as a better work-life balance.
It is also important to figure out the pros and cons of working full-time in the office or a hybrid mix that allows you to work from home a couple of days a week.
But how do you ensure that you start 2024 with a welcome boost to your income?
Host Felicity Glover talks to John Armstrong, founder and managing director of recruitment specialist JCA Associates, who takes us through the steps to ask for a pay rise.