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Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
How part-time work helps teenagers to learn vital money skills
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
The government’s overhaul of visa regulations last September means that teenagers aged 15 to 18 can now work part-time in the UAE, giving them an opportunity to earn a regular salary and learn some vital life skills at the same time.
Those skills can include anything from money management to time management, as well as building confidence, instilling a sense of responsibility and gaining that all-important on-the-job experience.
While it is an empowering experience for youth, the two most important skills for part-time working teenagers is understanding the value of money and how to manage a regular salary, financial experts say.
This includes budgeting, setting savings goals and even beginning their investment journey as early as possible to take advantage of the benefits of long-term compounding interest.
Host Felicity Glover is joined by Marilyn Pinto, founder of Kids Finance Initiative Global, who discusses the benefits of teenagers earning a regular salary through part-time work.